Personal Training
I randomly came across vibes fitness whilst searching the web for a personal trainer to assist me in my fitness goals. I was so impressed with the website that I spent the entire night reading it and understanding the diverse range of fitness services Margie offers.
My enthusiasm grew to meet Margie in person as I was amazed at her qualifications, past client testimonials, media releases, dedication to meeting client’s needs, and her personal secession.
I then met the excellent Margie, who assessed my goals and health and fitness needs.
From there on, I started training with Margie the following week. Margie began to help me by recognising what foods suit me and my blood type. She did numerous tests to indicate my strength level, helped me activate my core muscles, and taught me the 6 Pilates principles, which play a vital role in training correctly.
Meeting with Margie was the best part of my fitness regime as every time I would train with her; she would teach me more about food nutrition, guide me away from eating the foods that I had used to eat, motivate me through the training and encourage me to monitor the foods that I was eating.
Margie has helped me reach my fitness goals and has taught me the truth about what foods I am putting into my mouth and the concept of correct training.
Training with Margie has left me with a healthy attitude that I maintain and feel great.
I highly recommend Margie Cerato, who is full of life, positive attitude and strength.
Margie has dedicated 30 years of her career to the Health and fitness industry, helping and mentoring people to achieve their fitness goals.