11 exercises to stretch your hamstrings
Welcome to our Vibes fitness blog. My name is Margie and we are on a mission to facilitate and release all woman, from any negative body image. Our next blog will be mindful
and empowering women everywhere to love, nurture, and be kind to yourself. Today we are focusing on releasing lower back pain with our fabulous exercises below. These stretches will release lower back pain, improving tightness and flexibility.
Hamstring Strain signs and causes of posterior thigh pain: hamstring strain, referred sacroiliac joint pain, and “sciatica”, or peripheral nerve tension referral.
- Range of motion loss in the hamstring (both straight-knee and bent-knee raise testing)
- Palpable soreness somewhere along the length of the muscle-tendon
- Pain with end-range stretching and/or resisted testing, i.e. it hurts to stretch it or strengthen it
The hamstring muscles run down the back of the thigh. There are three hamstring muscles:
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps femoris
They start at the bottom of the pelvis at a place called the ischial tuberosity. They cross the knee joint and end at the lower leg. Hamstring muscle fibres join with the tough, connective tissue of the hamstring tendons near the points where the tendons attach to bones. The hamstring muscle group helps you extend your leg straight back and bend your knee. Your hamstrings have three muscles that run along the back side of your thigh, connecting your pelvis to your knee. Sitting down too much or running lots is really bad for your hamstrings as they tighten up and often you will find that you have back pain or sciatic pain with are both often connected to tight hamstrings. Tight hamstrings lead to lower back pain. Stretching is amazing for your hamstrings. Improving your hamstring flexibility with stretching will lengthen your hamstrings and improve any back pain. Start slowly and do not force any stretches. Work at your own pace monitoring your own resistance. A hamstring strain is the last thing your want. You may even like to utilise a yoga block or towel. If you stretch you will see results.
We have created 11 poses for you. Please monitor your own resistance work at your own pace listening to your body. Only do the stretches below if you’re comfortable and do not over strain your hamstrings.
- Downward dog and mix it up with a wide leg stance, legs apart – placing palms on floor
- Seated forward bend using a yoga strap. Be gentle holds 30 sec
- Lying on your back with 1 leg in the sky, the other leg bent using a yoga strap place it on your foot. If you don’t have yoga strap use your belt or towel. Hold gently 30 sec and breath
- Sitting on the ground with legs apart as wide as you can and hold the stretch. Be sure not to hunch your back. Gently stretching forward holding the pose and breath
- Forward lunge 1 leg at a time. Holding the stretch with palms either side of your foot
- Side lunges holding gentle breathing. Only do this if you feel comfortable
- Lying on your side, head on your arm – keep the side of your body very straight. Reach up and hold on to your toes. If you cannot reach use a yoga strap. Hold gently and breath
- Standing 1 leg and arm straight down the other leg and arm stretched out in front of you and hold on to your big toe. Make sure you balance using your core. Hold gently and breath
- Forward split 1 leg in front of the other. Body sitting upright hands by the side of your body. This is an advanced pose so go easy and only do the stretch if you are able to do advanced poses’.
- Sitting on floor 1 leg bent close to pubic bone, the other extend in front of you reaching up to hold your big toe. Yours in health and fitness Margie xx – 0412526383(c) 2016 Margie @ Vibes Fitness www.vibesfitness.com.au