MUSCLE CONTAINS MORE WATER 72% THAN FAT 50% & is the basis upon which many body fat measuring machines operates (by measuring your water levels)
Water is the foundation of our body so it’s important that we drink enough to prevent dehydration and keep our body hydrated. Water aids in digestion, absorption of food, regulates body temperature, carries nutrients & oxygen to our cells & removes toxins & wastes from our body. Drinking at least 10 glasses minimum a day will enhance nutrition absorption & assist in weight loss. SIGNS of dehydration are fatigue, headaches, concentrated urine & getting tired in the afternoons. DRY mouth is an extreme sign of dehydration.
SORE BACK? Water within the body cushions joints & protects tissues & organs. Including the spinal cord, from shock or damage. Lack of water (dehydration) can/may is the cause for many ailments. 75% of the upper body weight is supported by water volume that’s it’s stored in the spinal disk core. 25% is supported by fibrous materials around our disks. Spinal joints are dependent on different hydraulic proprieties of water, which is sorted in the disk core. BACK PAIN IS frequently alleviated with HYDRATION>
Many foods contain water especially fruits and vegetables. Eating your 6+ fruit or veggies servings per day will help keep your body hydrated. In addition to this, you should drink at least 10 glasses of water a day. An increase of activity levels requires additional water. You should drink water 15 m before exercising as well as during and afterwards.
FLUID RETENTION> When our body is dehydrated it reacts by holding onto water – – fluid retention. This fluid retention results in swelling of the hands, feet & a bloated abdomen. The best way to sort out fluid retention is to give your body what it needs, so drink plenty of water. Remember thirst is not a good indicator of hydration.
Most people exist in a constant state of dehydration without feeling thirsty.
IF you are not used to drinking water it can be a challenge to change this behavior. Feeling constantly fatigued, experiencing headaches, dry skin, and fluid retention can indicate dehydration.
FAT LOSS. A well-hydrated body is vital for optimal fat loss.
The metabolic process of fat burning relies upon a chemical reaction, which involves adequate amounts of fluid. Your body cannot burn fat efficiently in a dehydrated state!!!!!!! Not drinking enough water can leave you bloated from fluid retention and obese from restricting your fat burning enzymes. However, do not go overboard and drink too much water at meal times. Naturopaths recommend to not drinking water during meals because this can result in the dilution of gastric juices, which can impede digestion. So do not drink water during meals, as this will stop the digestion process. Wait for half an hour then drink away. The goal is to drink water throughout the day at regular intervals. Article was written by Margie Cerato – 0412526383 –(c) 2016 Margie @ Vibes Fitness